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11 Hits, Last modified:
lso make sure ;that you pick up copies of all the new SYSOP maintenance utilities. ;Make sure you obtain a copy of the FidoNews now being published ;weekly by Fido 1.You may su... 25 1200 MetChem 1-203-281-7287 New_Haven......CT 043 25 1200 Seequa_Comptr ... 25 1200 DEC-WARE 1-212-535-8924 NewYork........NY 080 25 1200 EldonZiegler
3 Hits, Last modified:
.) FidoNet carries 500 - 1000 echo conferences ("news groups") as well as email. The FidoNet echo "bac... es per day. There is a widely distributed weekly newsletter called FidoNews, in it's 9th year, devoted to subjects of interest to FidoNet members and users