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232 @doc:changelog
10 Hits, Last modified:
.nnn in the semaphore directory as soon as it has synchronized its time from a remote time sour... twork servers, etc. (*) The nodelist browser has been modified to show "??" for stray node and... filenames when receiving a duplicate filename has been modified so that the .MO9 extension is bumpe... d to more than 150 characters being truncated has been fixed. (*) FM's JAM handling code has been
231 @doc:changelog
9 Hits, Last modified:
tive event - one without any "days" setting - has been corrected. This would result in FD enter... ESCAN.NOW being (incorrectly) created/updated has been corrected (support of this semaphore was rem... cking for the FDINMAIL.NEW semaphore until it has fetched the currently active event; this will res... REOTHERPKT (and FDOPT setting IGNOREOTHERPKT) has been added. It is only useful if the NOUNPACK opt
233 @doc:changelog
2 Hits, Last modified:
urrent processor capabilities or speeds. This has been tested up to 1.2 GHz Athlon processors. ... phore path is defined containing a macro that has not been set. FDSETUP (Configuration/Setup) ===
  • Last modified: 10-Oct-2017 @ 07:49
  • by Joaquim Homrighausen