
This document describes most of the major new features and functions, as well as some minor corrections and additions, in FrontDoor 2.32.mL since version 2.31.mL (released on 16-Jun-98).

Various notes

(*) There is now a native (32-bit) OS/2 version available of FrontDoor

FD (Mailer)

(*) FD now supports the use of $[]-style macros in the DIAL .. END
    section of FDNODE.CTL. This will allow different tasks to use
    different calling prefixes (among other things) and for these
    prefixes to be changed at specific times of the day (by exiting
    to the batch file to change the contents of the environment
(*) Improved handling of STQ (STatic Queue) SPOOL entries.

(*) Corrected handling of HUB-ROUTE and HOST-ROUTE commands in regards
    to the points of a hub.
(*) FD will now create the semaphore FDTIMSNC.nnn in the semaphore
    directory as soon as it has synchronized its time from a remote
    time source. This semaphore can then be used in batch files and
    by other programs to update network servers, etc.
(*) The nodelist browser has been modified to show "??" for stray node
    and point entries when browsing the Zone and Net levels.
(*) The way FD "bumps" ARCmail filenames when receiving a duplicate
    filename has been modified so that the .MO9 extension is bumped to
    .MOA and .MOZ is bumped to .MO0.

(*) Fixed FD to properly handle the "CONNECTING", "ALERTING", and
    "CALL SENT" modem responses during inbound calls.

FM (Editor)

(*) FM should no longer allow a JAM-type folder to be selected (in any
    given situation) if FDOPT contains NOJAM or /NOJAM is specified
    on the command-line.

(*) The problem with macro definitions that expand to more than 150
    characters being truncated has been fixed.

(*) FM's JAM handling code has been made somewhat more bullet-proof
    against corrupt JAM message bases.

(*) The nodelist browser has been modified to show "??" for stray node
    and point entries when browsing the Zone and Net levels.
(*) FM's parsing code for .CCL files has been made more tolerant to
    leading and trailing whitespace; this should allow for the
    contents of .CCL files to be evenly formatted/aligned.

FDNC (Nodelist compiler/manager)

(*) FDNC now supports the use of $[]-style macros in the DIAL .. END
    section of FDNODE.CTL. This will allow different tasks to use
    different calling prefixes (among other things) and for these
    prefixes to be changed at specific times of the day (by exiting
    to the batch file to change the contents of the environment
(*) The problem with flags for new (manually created) nodelist entries
    not being saved unless you actually went to the "Flags" field to
    edit it has been fixed.

(*) The nodelist browser has been modified to show "??" for stray node
    and point entries when browsing the Zone and Net levels.

FDSETUP (Configuration/Setup)

(*) The handling of the "Modem.Command strings" settings has been
    modified so that it is possible to specify leading and trailing
    spaces for all strings that are not terminated by a vertical bar
    (|) character. This should allow for software that requires a
    space in dial prefixes, etc. to allow "Vmodem" (Internet)
  • Last modified: 22-Sep-2017 @ 17:34
  • by Joaquim Homrighausen